Stress tested your home loan recently? Don’t stress
Seven in 10 Australian mortgage holders have not stress tested their home loan. But don’t stress, it’s much easier to do than you think.
Stress tested your home loan recently? Don’t stress
Seven in 10 Australian mortgage holders have not stress tested their home loan. But don’t stress, it’s much easier to do than you think.
How much does it cost to own a pet?
We thought we’d have a little fun this week and look at how much it costs the average Aussie family to own a pet. After all, two in three households have one and very few budget for them!
The importance of a will and a power of attorney
It’s a morbid thought that many of us tend to shy away from, but end-of-life financial planning is a crucial stage in any successful financial management plan.
Don’t just invest for your children, invest with them
Investing with your child can help them build a nest egg and improve their financial literacy. Gifting your child with a nest egg of investments is a wonderful idea, and will no doubt give them a kickstart into adulthood. But some experts say we may be approaching this incorrectly; we could be investing with our […]
Six ways to ride through life’s tougher times
Sticking to a financial plan – such as paying off a mortgage – can be a long journey that’s punctuated by high highs and low lows. Here are some tips to get you through the tougher times.
Why is the bank saying I can’t service a loan?
A question we often get goes something along the lines of: ‘I make my repayments on time, and I save $1,000 per month, why is the bank saying I can’t service a loan?’ Here’s how banks conduct loan serviceability.
Credit card providers love to use all kinds of incentives to get you to put that shiny piece of plastic into your wallet, ripe for usage at your weaker moments. Here’s how to avoid getting snared in credit card debt.
Avoiding the interest rate hike domino effect
When one bank hikes its interest rates, the rest usually follow one after the other like dominos. Here’s how to avoid getting caught up in the chain reaction.
Is it better to buy an investment property or home first?
There’s a lot to consider when buying an investment property or home, especially for the first time. Have you been saving for a long time and feel ready to get into the property market? Maybe you’re considering buying a home to live in or investing in a property you can rent out to somebody else. […]
Putting the property price dip into perspective
Sure, the value of the average Australian home may have fallen for nine consecutive months, but it’s far from doom and gloom. Let’s put it all in a bit of perspective.